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Stress management on pregnancy women

1035-1042Full Text

Mahsa Karamoozian, Ghasem Askarizadeh, Kimia Sanati*, Mohsen Amini zadeh

Background: Pregnant women tend to experience anxiety and stress when faced with the changes to their biological, social and psychological levels. The identification of these factors and the prevention of their side effects are vital for both mother and fetus. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effects of cognitive-behavioral stress management (CBSM) on maternal anxiety and depression during pregnancy. Methods: This semi-experimental study was performed by applying a pretest-posttest control-group design. Overall, 30 primiparous mothers were selected among women referring to health clinics of Kerman, Iran, using convenience Sampling. Subjects were randomly allocated to experimental and control groups. Data were collected, using Pregnancy Related Anxiety Questionnaire and Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Questionnaire. After completing the pretest, the Experimental group was subjected to 12 sessions of CBSM training; posttest data were collected after the intervention. Multivariate analysis of covariance was performed, using SPSS version 16. P-value < 0.05 was considered statistically Significant. Results: The obtained results revealed a significant decrement in the average posttest scores of anxiety and depression in the experimental group, compared to pretest scores and the control group. These findings indicated the effectiveness of CBSM during pregnancy in reducing maternal anxiety and depression. Conclusion: Pregnant women can benefit from psychological interventions such as CBSM in medical and health care centers.

Optimal Fuzzy Logic Controller Design for Robot Arm Control

1043-1048Full Text

Masoumeh Hafezzadeh* and Hasan Masoumi

This paper presents an optimal fuzzy logic based controller design procedure to control a robot arm for industrial applications. The robot is a repeated task plant. The control of sucha plant under parameter variations and load disturbances is one of the important problems. The aim of this work is to design Geno-Fuzzy, PSO based, and imperialist competitive algorithms based controller suitable for online applications to control single link rigid robot arm plant. The simulation results using MATLAB/SIMULINK indicated the effectiveness of the proposed controller.


1049-1054Full Text

Onesto Ilomo* and Kaselema J. P. Chawanga

This study examined the influence of home environment on students’ academic performance in the selected secondary schools. The areas of concentration were parents and students, social demographic factors, and other related factors. The research design used to collect data was descriptive survey, which employed questionnaires in collecting relevant data for the study. The sample size was one hundred and sixty (160) respondents (students), where forty (40) students were randomly selected from each selected secondary school. The findings revealed that there was no direct relationship between home environment and students academic performance in schools. The results shown the following percentages: tuition fee 71.9%, demographic factors 70.7%, and other factors including teaching and learning materials, infrastructure, home structures, electricity, peer group, home mass media and location had an average of 64.7% thus making the tuition fee the leading factor. The researcher therefore recommended that the Ministry of Educational and Vocational Training should educate parents, teachers, and society (community) to analyze the influence of home environment on students’ academic performance and to find the ways to overcome those challenges for the betterment of students academic performance in secondary schools.

Assessing the Impacts of Vegetation-Based Management Scenarios on Hydrologic Responses of North Watershed of Iran

1055-1059Full Text

Mojtaba Mohammadi

Developing an approach for simulating and assessing vegetation-based management and their effects on land use patterns and hydrological processes at the watershed level is essential in land use and water resource planning and management. Purpose of this study is a assessing the impacts of vegetation-based management scenarios on hydrologic responses in Rammian watershed. For this purpose four biological actions were considered including: agro-forestry, tree plantation, fruit tree growing, and terracing. Combination of these four actions leads to 16 (2n) different management scenarios. Input map layers including sub-watersheds boundary, hypsometry, slope, vegetation cover type and density, soil depth, and hydrologic soil groups were prepared and superimposed within the ArcGIS environment in order to specify the spatial distribution of various management activities considering the scenario development rules. Result showed that scenario 5 (Agro-forestry) have greatest impact on reducing the volume of the flood in Rammian watershed. Results showed that the multiple-criteria decision making serves as a valuable tool to represent the watershed system as a whole, to incorporate output from models and expert-judgments to examine the trade-offs among outcomes necessary to decision making.

Analysis Healthy city indicators with emphasis on demographic indicators (Case of Zahedan)

1060-1066Full Text

Silvana Khajeh, Maryam Karimiyan Bostani* and Gholamreza Miri

In 1977, the World Health Assembly (WHA) proposed a primary social target for all governments, international organizations and the global community: “To enable all of the world’s citizens to enjoy by 2000 a level of health that would allow them to lead a socially active and economically productive life”. This social target of “Health for All” (abbreviated “HFA”) emphasized the attainment of the highest possible level of health by societies a basic human right, and observing ethical principles in health policy making, health research and service provision. This study was conducted at the zahedan which is situated between 29° North latitude and 60° East longitude. Zahedan height at the weather station 1370 meters above sea level is reached. Age dependency ratio is the ratio of dependents--people younger than 15 or older than 64--to the working-age population--those ages 15-64. Data are shown as the proportion of dependents per 100 working-age population. By comparing the age dependency ratio in zahedan with age dependency ratio of country suggest that Zahedan unfavorable situation than the country.

Power Quality Improvement Using a Novel Seamless Control Strategy for DSTATCOM

1067-1072Full Text

Abbas Khorshidi

This paper presents the modeling and implementation of a three-phase DSTATCOM (Distribution Static Compensator) using STF (Self Tuning Filter) based IRPT (Instantaneous Reactive Power Theory) control algorithm for power quality improvement. An adaptive fuzzy logic controller is used to control the dc bus voltage of VSC (Voltage Source Converter) based DSTATCOM to improve the response and to reduce the overshoot and undershoot of traditional PI (Proportional-Integral) controller under unbalanced loading conditions and supply voltage fluctuations. The effectiveness of the proposed control algorithm is demonstrated through simulation using MATLAB SIMULINK.

The Study of Impacts of Plastic Surgery of Attachment Styles on Applicants & NonApplicants

1073-1075Full Text

Talaiyeh fard*, Parviz Azad Fallah and Ali Sadeghinia

The present research is aimed to compare the physical and video attachment styles between the two groups of cosmetic surgery applicants and ordinary individuals. For the current study sample female gender between the ages of 35 to 54 all residence of Tehran were selected as volunteer sampling; thirty three applicants of cosmetic surgery and thirty three remaining as visitors to dental clinic; the research method was after event type. The data were in subsequence analysed by using Pearson multivariate analysis of variance and correlation tests. Based on the findings, there was significance of discrepancy in secure and insecure attachment styles between the two groups of cosmetic surgery and surgery treatment applicants. Also, significance of discrepancy was observed. The results indicated that there is a relation between cosmetic surgery and attachment. The current study is in consistence with numerous studies in the field of health psychology that assert on individual psychological – social role factor formation and their health. It seems that based on findings of this investigations and related studies the impression of psychological interventions in clinics and cosmetic surgery is exigency.

Survey on the rights of education in Islam and its effect

1076-1079Full Text

Nariman Karam Ravan

One of the good features of human for God is gaining knowledge. The aim of Quran and the prophet teachings is informing of mankind. Since human being can live in happiness and become closer to the creator only by gaining knowledge. The almighty God provided the context for mankind so that he could discover the facts and laws of the existence. In this relation, Imams are the best religious motivators and they are aware of sciences and knowledge and the man could to reach happiness in both worlds by obeying their orders.

Religious education and indoctrination

1080-1084Full Text

Hassan bagheri nia* and Hossein Jalilvand

Every religion could be a source of peace as well as a source of violence. There is a great need to rethink Islam, particularly in the context of alienation and terrorism-branding that dominates the world of today. After September 11th the discussion about Islam and violence became the most favorite topic in the media, while one of the major and very important objectives of Islam is the establishment of human rational conduct and understanding instead of blindly following tradition and copying the past. In our modern era it became essential to present an understanding and explanation of religion, which explicate the universal dimension and critically explain the limited significance of its historical dimension. The problem with 'fundamentalism' as a mode of exclusive way of thinking that could automatically lead to violence and terrorism, is that it explicate only the historical dimension of a certain religion and present it as the eternal religious truth. Therefore in this situation, religious education could be as a kind of indoctrination. Concept of indoctrination refers to unethical influencing in a teaching situation. Indoctrination means infiltrating (drilling, inculcating etc.) concepts, attitudes, beliefs and theories into a student’s mind by passing her free and critical deliberation. Therefore fundamental religious education is at risk of indoctrination. In this study we want explain that the main factors of violence in the society are brainwashing in religious education system and limit the religious education in the historical dimension of a certain religion and present it as the eternal religious truth .in this study we explain how this education system redound to prejudice, Petrifaction, violence and how to solve this problem.

The impact of Selection Intensity in level of Linkage Disequilibrium

1085-1088Full Text

Mohammad Reza Ghaemi

The extend and distribution of Linkage Disequilibrium is a topic of great current interest. In new breeding program such as Genome-Wide Prediction Linkage Disequilibrium (LD) between markers and Quantitative Trait Locus(QTL) play an important role. Closely related to the effect of extent of Linkage Disequilibrium on the accuracy of Genomic selection. The level of Linkage Disequilibrium is influenced by many factors. A genome consisiting5 chromosomes each with 100cM in length with 100 equally spaced markers (1cM) were simulated. After 50 generations of random mating in a finite population (Ne=100) in order to create sufficient Linkage Disequilibrium. Population was expended to size of 1000. This structure was conserved to generation 70.Linkage Disequilibrium was estimated from generation 51 to 70 with 5%, 10%, 20%, 40% and 50% selection intensity. The results of this study showed the level of linkage disequilibrium increased by increased of selection intensity.

The ontogenesis and ontogenetic structure of Tulipa micheliana Th. Hoog (Liliaceae) coenotic populations in Uzbekistan

1089-1096Full Text

Abduraimov O.S* and Shomurodov H.F

Within Uzbekistan Tulip a micheliana more widespread in the southwestern Hissar, Nuratau sporadically - in the Turkestan and Zeravshan ranges . In the Kyzylkum desert (mountain Kokchatau) he comes to the westernmost border of its range. On the basis of ontogenesis revealed structure 9 coenotic populations of the species within the above range. The duration of ontogenesis in natural conditions lasts about 30 years. All investigated coenopopulations normal , most are not complete . The base type of the spectrum - unimodality centered. Characteristic and distinguished spectra do not match. In rare cases, developmental spectra correspond to characteristic and reflect the biological characteristics of species: a high seed production, mass germination of seeds, a gradual increase in life expectancy in geherative period culminating in generative condition rapidly aging.

Effect of Ammonium bicarbonate on growth properties of peach cultivars on GF677 rootstock

1097-1099Full Text

Abedini Mohammad*, Imani Ali and Piri Saeed

This study performed to evaluation of Ammonium bicarbonate on growth properties of peach cultivars on GF677 rootstock. It was conducted in the greenhouse of the Institute of Seed and Plant. Factorial experiment in a completely randomized design applied with two factors genotypes (4 levels) and water bicarbonate (in 3 levels) with three replications. The studied cultivars were JH Hale (susceptible to chlorosis), the Barzegar (resistant to chlorosis) and Red Huns (average) based on GF677 and basic link GF677 (not bond as a control) and potassium bicarbonate factor included of 0 (control) , 15 and 30 mM. According to result, The JH Hale genotype had the lowest growth traits. Control genotype had the highest means. The vegetative traits decreased with increasing bicarbonate treatments; however, this decline in control genotype was far less than other genotypes.

Effect of organic fertilizer and foliar application of humic acid on some quantitative and qualitative yield of Pot marigold

1100-1103Full Text

Abedini Tina, Moradi Pezhman and Hani Abbas*

This study aimed to evaluate the effect of organic fertilizer and foliar application of humic acid on quantitative and qualitative yield of marigold which was performed in randomized complete block design with three replications. Factors in this study consisted of foure levels of manure application vermicompost in 0, 5, 10 and15 tons per hectare and humic acid at three levels: 0, 250 and 500 milligrams per liter. Some traits were investigated at the end of the experiment such as height, fresh flower performance, number of flowers per plant, grain yield, petals yield, seed weight, carotenoid content, total phenols and percentage of mucilage. Based on the analysis of variance was determined that the effect of vermicompost and humic acid on all studied traits were significant at the 1 or 5 percent levels. Based on the results of this test, it can be stated that the application of vermicompost had a positive impact in marigold. With an increase in the amount of compost in the range between zero and 15 tons per hectare, this herb also increases the amount of morphological and biochemical, and a maximum of 15 tons was achieved with treatment. The application of vermicompost 15 tons per hectare recommended in the growing marigold. Effect of humic acid on the parameters was significant and 500 mg had highest significant effect, therefore the use of humic acid is also recommended.